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Fiji ERP Requirements
ERP regulation of Fiji has defines following policies to pay out extra hours to the employees.
  1. Pay all hours as "Normal Hours".
  2. Push extra hours as "Leave in Lieu"
  3. Pay extra hours as "Time and Half" and "Double Time".

Scenario 1: Employers wish to pay everything as "Normal Hours"

In this example, we have used a day shift (8am-5pm) with a 1-hour lunch break (1pm-2pm)

Instructions on how to setup:

  1. Configure the Shift to have "S1 Hours" as the normal hours per day. 
  2. Set the "S2 Hours" and "S3 Hours" to 0.
  3. Configure the "Time Intervals" for hours outside the shift to use rate of 1. 

Figure 1: Time Control Setup


Figure 2: Time Interval Rates


Scenario 2: Employers wish to push extra hours as Lieu.

The following changes were done to achieve this scenario:

  1. Pay codes "Normal Hours [ANHRS]", "Time & Half [ADHLF]" and "Double Time [ADTIM]" use the Shift rates (S1 Rate, S2 Rate, S3 Rate) when importing time from ESS to payroll.

  2. The leave code must be allocated to the employee for the system to accrue the hours as leave.

Instructions on how to setup:

  1. Configure the shift to have "S1 Hours" as the normal hours per day

  2. Set the "S2 hours" and "S3 Hours" as hours for overtime

  3. Set the "S2 rate" and "S3 rate" as 0

  4. Configure the Leave code to accrue overtime that is not paid under "Shift Allowances"

  5. Enable configuration "Include shift leave accrual for unpaid hours when updating pay"

Figure 3: Time Control

Figure 4: Shift Allowance at Leave Code

Figure 5: Configuration